iceskating was so (omgawd) damn fun!!!!!
biru was like super high ytd.
going "HI LYN!" everywhere. her highness rubbed off on me. and end up:
(venue: iceskating rink)
biru: HI LYN! HI HUIYI!'
lols. scgs gals.... (shakes head)
and hang is such a cool and good 'hair stylist'
frm here on, i appoint her my PERSONAL free of charge hair stylist
(emphasis free of charge) HEHE.
she french braid so nicely for me!! i can nvr ever french braid larhs!!!
darn. i am like so screwed for geog and chem. ACKKKKK
totally bored and in no mood to study.
anything beats studying now, even if i have to listen to kj's rantings of how SHUAI her korean neighbour is..............
she was gone,7:11 PM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
its lost
and if i dun find it
i wun be revived
she was gone,2:23 PM
she was gone,8:16 AM
she was gone,8:08 AM
by the wayy i realised i haven put up e pictures yet ^^
okayy since im in a putting-up-pics mode, i'll dump em here!
(actually its jus cuz i dun wana go bak to do hw)
** prezzies according to e date i received em. with the most bottom one being the earliest

michelle bot me e pouch and notebk ^^ DEADLY DONKEY!!!

bro gave me popular $10 voucher

elise bot me another turtle. lol

jean bot me this turtle ^^ BAKA DESU

keejia HANDMADE this herself. THANKYOU =)

prezzie frm fj. kj, joce and sib ARIGATOU

dad treated whole family + bro gf to sakura international buffet at tampiness safra on sundae

huichin gave me this on sat ^^ KAWAII

mum treat me and fj to swensen on fri^^ OISHIKATTA
she was gone,6:03 PM
NDP 07 was like so...
prepare to be awed
awed my footit was like one of the worst ndp i've ever seen.
though the water laser thingy was rather cool ^^
the same song. WILL YOU was sang like 4-5 times.
yes i noe it was sang differently.
high pitch, low pitch, moderate.
wad the heck!
sing until like shit la
goosebumps my dear.
sum weird gay guy
with a face revived by tons of botox was like singing it luh.
gross man.
even the supposed 'highlight' of the show the FIREWORKS
was like
nt even dat nice
on the whole.
one word:
she was gone,5:49 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
have our juniors gone wild?yes. im afraid so. according to a certain reliable source, at approximately 11am this morning, she sighted a rather appalling sight. students from a certain primary sch were wearing brightly coloured red tee shirts (a gd sign, i must say. it definitely shows their patriotism), with loud and colourful paints dotting thier dark black hair. omy wad a sight. the students from the certain primary sch have really gone wild!
as efficient as ever, our reporter arrived at the scene of crime(?) at 1102am sharp. upon arrival at a certain plaza, our reporter did, really, sighted the apalling scene.
just as our source had mentioned, the certain plaza was littered with students from a certain primary, with their hair dyed in bright colours.
amazing isn't it? the fact that certain secondary sch students had to wear some really... geeky... and awful shirts to sch while students from a certain primary were allowed to express their creativity anyway they like, even to the extend of dying their hair. Yes, we know that its fake hair dye that washes off easily. we are not stupid. however it still is alarming the fact that rules could be bent so...........
before we end of here,
we are hereby thankful to the certain reliable source who expressed her concern about her juniors to us.
anyway, still today is the eve of a very special day. do not let our article ruin your high spirits!
Happy national day to all out dere!
to be continued on page 3......
she was gone,5:35 PM
oral was screwed la.
but luckily i got like the most friendly tcher dere. heng seh.
bot gakuen alice bk 2 ^^
she was gone,3:00 PM
joan せんせい gave me spelling and i filled up e whole board wif my words ^^
いぬ = dog
ねこ = cat
いえ and うち = house
さかな = fish
she was gone,1:47 PM
sumhow joan self-appointed herself as my jap teacher.
konnichiwa sensei ^^
AND AND AND she forced me to memorise all 46 characters of hiragana!!!
cuz according to joan sensei she says learning jap but not the writing is like learning english but not learning ABC! hmph. ABC 26 alphabets nia. hiragana got 46. not to forget katagana!!
she was gone,8:28 PM