a series of unfortunate events
went cycling on sunday 6/1
unfortunate event #1
bro and gf were dunoe doing wad on the car (i was sitting beside em in my own world wif my mp3 so din pay attention to the stupid couple) and suddenly they exclaimed dat they lost one of their couple ring. zzz so after we reached pasir ris, all started searching for the damn lost ring. search for wad seemed like AGES. nowhere to be found. gave up, went looking to bikes.
there was one bike rental shop nearby and stupid bro insisted dat there would be others so we walked all the way to the other end of pasir ris zzz.
saw third rope tower thingy dat had a notice saying ' NO ADULTS ALLOWED" and guess what we saw on the tower. 2 adults climbing up. and one of em is like
freaking fat rather horizontally challenged. right.
so i went up the tower and started climbing up when all of a sudden the ropes started shaking like HELL. u noe like those clips of shaking ceiling lights u see when singapore experiences some tremors. well its worst than dat. and i looked up and saw the
freaking fat rather horizontally challenged man shaking the ropes and looking at me smiling.
WA PIANG. u alr like so erm big u still climb up and shake the thing. u wan the ropes to snap ahh??
neway din make it to the top, was stuck dere, IM NOT A KID ANYMORE =( (
but a few more steps jiu on top le!! hahas

okay i took this while sitting on the rope at the almost top lol. woah people use liquid paper and drew on it.
so walked all the way back to the bike rental shop and rented bikes. mummy and daddy din wana cycle anymore. and three of us took off =)

unfortunate event #2
was happily cycling when i came to a situation as below:
the space for me to cycle through is like ermmm not very big as u can see. the inconsiderate parent set up his territory stuff dere
and so while trying hard avoid the chair-bound toddler, i fell frm the bike =.=ll
and got : one bleeding cut, one bleeding knee, 3 blue-blacks
how pro.
unfortunate event #3
first day back to sch after getting my injuries, sarah kicked right on my knee while makan-ing WOW~ (kj u may laugh)
unfortunate event #4
second day back to sch after getting my injuries, jean kicked right on my knee while getting into her seat =.=ll
unfortunate event #5
second day back to sch after getting my injuries, minyi pressed HARD my blueblacks. wa piangg
still got a necklace =) THANKYOU SIBYL
and and and got others: thankyou to: funjuin, huichin, michelle, lifen, mummy, daddy, pin hsuan lalal~ mummy and daddy went overseas separately without me =(

pretty pretty =) i wana sit


COCO!!! michelle goh's famous dog lol