this week was like damn nice =)
enrichment started on wed.
we did PRAXIS and played some game dat was similar to monopoly.
i was unemployed for the 9/10 of the game for the first round.
and i was a lowly civil servant wif a low pay of $2000 for 7/8 of the second round
and i got a BUSINESSMAN job!! omgawd.
and the last turn i got year end bonus 60k! amting my total $$ to $137350 =))
(losing to kell by $150)
thur went bishan for cip.
and so todae =) we did PRAXIS again. i was freaking suay okay.
i lost $20k ++ due to hospital fees. i wana die luhh.
got back our geog after that =)
was released late and was like late for the movie.
so me mic kell and jiahui cabbed to cine.
L was freaking nice. i hate it when he had to die. damn.
mic was freakingg noisy can. talk talk talk non-stop ask me this qn ask me dat qn. wa piang how to watch the movie i tell u.
ate kobayashi and went lvl 9 to play the soccer table =)
jiahui is pRO !!
so neway the JI leader mas selamat escaped ytd ytd at 4.05.
we were happily playing the monopoly-like game den. and due to his escape the classrms were all locked and our bags were all locked in!
and the RTC place had like officers when we left sch at 6plus.
neway its damn cool =p i was on the bus and saw soooo many officers =)) NICE =D
tis angmoh was like filming the officers wif his hp =.=
oh and after being sponsored and given catcus mineral water, and using the cartons of catcus mineral water to block our sch gate, the officers left the half-empty bottles on the ground outside our sch =)
my gawd 1 mth nvr blog
TODAE 14 feb - valentine's day!! =)
9 feb -- CHUSAN
went to JE to watch AH LONG PTE LTD. nt bad la the movie
in total i watched: 27 dresses, im legend, cj 7 and ah long during cny =))
went ladies and saw this:

bro's ungly jeans with gold lining *pukes*

NOTICE THE NEW RING ?? cuz the 2pid couple lost their previous ring and had to get a new one =.=ll

papa and bro =)

mama =p

bro's shirt that his gf bot for him
doesn't youjie has a shirt like dat too???

me =))
7-8 feb -- CNY
my bro has got to be the worst mahjong palyer i'ver ever encountered. that pigg. hmph.
neway it was damn sad la gambling queen din get to gamble much this year sian.
i was cheating the kids' money, played halfway felt bad and so decided to quit heh
6 feb - cny eve (sch holiday for scgs heh)
went to watch 27 dresses =))
nice movie.
i quote " the no. of bridesmaid outnumbered the guests" =)) hehe
5feb - eve of cny eve
went cine kbox after sch wif van and fj
i was in self reflection self depression and emo state and u noe fj and van is like erm.. not high de. so the whole kbox was like so.. not very high. its like i high awhile suddenly stop highing le.
yi xia zi jumping on sofa, 1minute later sitting at corner of sofa gloomy-ing. LOL
ohhhhhhh wo hai shi hen hate van

i din noe joan tee owns a road. plus so many private housing on it la. wa piang joan tee is freaking rich can =x

ohh i almost got chased by these two dogs hehe

some new species or orchid
19 jan --- FAMILY CHALET
ermm i tink it was for bro and bro gf went downtown east =))
i cant rmb much dat happened but i knoe i was munching and munching
our next door neighbour were celebrating bdae too wif a buffet set up outside that had to 'accidentally' be extended to outside our door =) how nice.
midnight, they were like SCREAMING LAUGHING RUNNING CHASING CRAPPING outside our rm. meanwhile huiyi was trying to mug for chem test.

erm downstairs was a LARGE malay family with 2 rooms. and their pit was beside ours. they were so friend;y, treating us to their satay =) and they were so prepared la got the shelter thingy they tied up cuz it started drizzling.


lone marshmallow

full moon lehh